Monday, April 30, 2012

The Life of a Teaching Assistant through ADDIE

So from the title of this post, you can tell that I was a Teaching Assistant for a course at JMU. I have TA-ed LTLE 485: Development of Materials & Programs three different semesters. One semester, I TA-ed for two sections for the majority of the duration of the semester. Needless to say, I am quite familiar with the target population that takes this course, what prerequisite courses they have taken, they materials those courses covered, and how they desire to learn. Also helpful for analyzing the target pop--having taken the course myself! I went through the HRD  minor during my undergraduate studies as well--so I had the experience piece of it all working in my favor.

For this assignment, relating my teaching experience to the ADDIE process, it's simple, really. I worked with the professor of the section of the course I taught with (last semester it was Professor Jamie Calcagno-Roach), and the professor and teaching assistant for the other section of the course, over the summer to "revamp" the syllabus for LTLE 485. We ended up re-working it so the readings and assignments flowed seamlessly with the ADDIE process. For instance, the first readings and assignments we covered had to do with analysis. Since they were developing real products for real world clients, they were not only learning about the ADDIE process progressively throughout the semester through course readings and hands-on tasks--they were actually utilizing the process to reach and create their end products. Anyway, throughout the semester as we finished readings and assignments related to one part of the ADDIE process, we proceeding to the next step (i.e. Design & Development after Analysis; Implementing after Design and Development; Evaluating after Implementing--and revising as needed).

When I think about the position as a TA that I held for so long and how it relates to ADDIE, I think of the process listed above that we went through--and that there really is no difference between my position and the process itself! As a teacher, you are constantly analyzing your audience, and creating lessons and activities accordingly with different mediums of media etc. to increase retention rates and to give students work experience they can take with them into the workforce once they graduate. We are constantly evaluating and revising the materials we use to improve performance.

This work experience that I was able to gain over the course of three semesters has limitless value, and has taught me to use the skills and knowledge I have gained and practiced in everyday life, and in the field I will be entering upon graduation.

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